Nottz Garden Project is a community group with a manifesto:

  • Growing food for people where access to fresh food is limited, either through absence of provision or through low or no income. 

  • Building community resilience, by promoting engagement with food growing and gardening to empower people to grow their own food, improve their diet and mental health.  

  • Providing creative art filled green spaces and bringing wildlife into neglected or abandoned urban spaces. (sometimes guerrilla!)


Radford & Hyson Green NG7 in Nottingham is where we focus our work:

  • Radford is diverse: 57% White British, 22% Asian/Asian British and 11% Black/African/Caribbean/Black British

  • 15% of the population live in households reliant on means tested benefits

  • 33% of children aged 5-15 yrs are living in poverty and 38% of children are obese

  • 46% of elderly residents are in receipt of pension credit

  • Life expectancy for males is 73 yrs (versus UK average 80 yrs)

  • NG7 is ranked in the top 15% most deprived wards (out of England's 7000+ wards)

  • The area has our city's  2nd highest crime rate with half of all crime classified as anti social behavior