so you're interested in growing a row for himmah foodbank?

You'll find everything you need below to start making a change in your community!
about himmah

Himmah is a Social Justice Organisation, with a mission to tackle food poverty, racism and educational inequalities. As well as operating the largest independent food bank in Nottingham, Himmah offer hot meals every week, distribute school uniforms to low-income families, and campaign to eradicate disproportionality in stop and searches, among other crucial initiatives. Himmah work to tackle injustice on our doorstep

about nottz garden project

Nottz Garden Project is a Community Group - Growing food for people where access to fresh food is limited, either through absence of provision or through low or no income. Building community resilience, by promoting engagement with food growing and gardening to empower people to grow their own food, improve their diet and mental health. Providing creative art filled green spaces and bringing wildlife into neglected or abandoned urban spaces. (sometimes guerrilla!)

about grow a row

The Grow-A-Row program started in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1986, initiated by Ron and Eunice O’Donovan. That was the year that they produced more potatoes in their backyard garden than their family could consume. They decided to donate the excess to the local food bank!

The Grow A Row ethos of today builds on the long-standing tradition of gardeners loving to share their harvest with others. It is a people-helping-people program to assist in feeding the hungry in their own communities.

why 'grow a row for himmah FOODBANK'?

Himmah serves the community throughout Nottingham but NG7 & and Radford is a big focus, as one of the UKs most deprived areas fresh healthy food is often inaccesible to residents. A few Radford Facts:

  • 15% of the population live in households reliant on means tested benefits

  • 33% of children aged 5-15 yrs are living in poverty and 38% of children are obese

  • 46% of elderly residents are in receipt of pension credit

  • Life expectancy for males is 73 yrs (versus UK average 80 yrs)

  • NG7 is ranked in the top 15% most deprived wards (out of England's 7000+ wards)

  • The area has our city's  2nd highest crime rate with half of all crime classified as anti social behavior

who can take part?

Absolutely anybody!!

There is no minimum requirement, all donations are welcome no matter how small (or big!)

  • Allotment & Back Yard Growers - plant an extra row or share your surplus with a good cause

  • Youth & School Groups - learn about food poverty and community 

  • Community Gardens - lets connect through our love of sharing our harvest

  • 1st Timers - never grown before? Give it a go and share your experience

how 'grow a row for himmah foodbank' will work 

We want as many people as possible to grow a bit of extra food and donate it to the foodbank

Let us know in the contact form below if you'll be taking part - you can leave us a message letting us know what you'll be growing if you like... or keep it as a surprise!

What should I  Grow?

Anything you like really, leafy salads and greens are quite difficult to keep fresh without wilting so maybe think more about courgettes, beans, carrots, cabbages, cauliflowers, potatoes and tomatoes... squashes and pumpkins are great for autumn - they will be sliced into portions before being distributed so they go a long way!  Fruit in good condition is also really welcome.

How do I Donate?

Grow your veg and bring it to the foodbank,  your donation will be distributed to those in need of emergency food assistance,  giving recipients some much needed nutritious fresh food... grown with love right here in our city!

Don't worry about packaging or portioning your donation, in a bag, cardboard box or a crate is just fine! Its a good idea to include a note to say what it is that you have donated. 

Your donation will be weighed and logged by the foodbank.

Himmah Details :

Himmah Foodbank is open 10am - 4pm Monday to Thursday

You don't need to contact Himmah ahead (but you can if you want to on or 0115 837 6116 ) or just head to the foodbank at: 

Unit 2 Forest Court, Gamble St, Radford, Nottingham NG7 4EX

Donation is better earlier in the week to ensure it goes out the same week,  as fresh as possible.

Unlike a lot of foodbanks, Himmah has refrigerators so they are able to handle fresh goods.

How we say thank you :

An exclusive  'I Grew A Row for Himmah Foodbank' pin badge

An invite to our Harvest Festival Celebration Meal (at the end of the growing season sometime in September 2024)

Your name on our Grow A Row Mural (that we'll paint at the Harvest Festival!)

You'll also get an amazing feeling that comes from making a difference to people in need in your community and spreading the joy of freshly grown local food!


Email :

so..are you in?

Please leave your details in the form below to let us know you'll be taking part

We'll get in contact to keep you updated on the campaign, about exciting things going on and about the all important Harvest Festival Celebration Meal!

Name E-mail Message Submit