an open call for photos showing nature as a force for good in our communities...

From groups greening spaces to guerrilla gardening for climate, from growing food for others to educating kids to garden, from growing heritage food to nature inspired artworks, from healing spaces for people to urban wildlife promoters.

Category Ideas:

Education, Climate, Food, Culture, Rewilding, Community, Poverty, Creativity, Mental Health, Wellbeing, Healing, Wildlife, Unexpected Places. (non exhaustive , we're pretty sure there are loads more we haven't thought of)

How to Take Part

Take your photo and either DM to @nottz_garden_project through Instagram      

or post it and tag it #growingforgood24

Alternative you can email your photo(s) to

Please write a caption explaining the photo and a location if possible

FAQs / T & Cs

I’m not in Nottingham can I take part?

Yea! Nottz Garden Project has friends all over the country, we’d love as many photos from Nottingham folks but this in an outward looking assignment open to all!

Can I enter multiple photos?

Yea! You can enter various categories and take photos of ‘Growing for Good’ at different stages of the 2024 growing season

Are photos from a smartphone OK?

Nottz Garden Project is founded in uplifting our communityso we want it to be as inclusive and accessible as possible – everyone’s got a camera on their phone right? So Smartphone photos are 100% in!

BUT – if you are lucky enough to have camera equipment etc we’d love you to take part too!

My photo idea is not mentioned in your categories?

  Freestyle! If it fits into our ‘Growing For Good’ theme its fine – pretty sure there are categories and ideas that we haven't thought about!

Is there a prize? 

kind of…our monthly favourites will form part of the Radford Guerrilla Exhibition & our Top Picks will feature in an end our end of season ‘Growing For Good’ Photo exhibition in the City Centre. We’ll also be publishing a ‘Grow Good’ Zine (featuring the best entries)

T's & C's

By entering your photos you agree that they may be reposted online, reproduced, printed  and used in our guerrilla gallery and photo exhibition. We will credit you online and attach your name to reproduced images.